Wealth Inequality Became Health Inequality

Excerpt from, "Full Dashclosure, Awakening to the human exploitation of DoorDash Singularity"

There’s a bond between those of us who have gone many of our years now without accessible and affordable physical, mental, and dental care; even the care we know we need. Money spent upon the necessities of daily survival trump our health.

Wealth inequality became health inequality.

Obamacare helped many people with at least theoretical access to healthcare and ended the “pre-existing condition” racket; but insurance isn’t healthcare. I waited seven-months after enrolling in a new plan (I can’t afford now), for the first appointment with the only Medical Doctor taking new patients in Bloomington, Indiana. Home of Indiana University; our 2022 population was 78,796.

The gig economy kills, and endangers lives, with its irresponsibly-deployed and distractedly-driving field operations; with purposely untrained workers traversing our roads and highways; ignorant of their plight as appslaves; their smartphones and gaming addictions raging; their exploitation compounded daily by obsessive “first-principles” data science and system design.

There are untold numbers of gigapp associated workplace injuries; in the well-known “top-10 most dangerous job,” of delivery driving. All the while, self-styled and self-described gig economy “technology companies” sans field employees, maintain the dystopically deceptive distance as allowed by AI-deployment and control of a surreptitious simulation; lacking all critical community standards of informed consent, operational knowledge, and safety training. But lost lives, ruined small businesses, and damaged low-wage workers toiling in endemic and cyclical poverty are absolutely acceptable “costs of doing business,” to DoorDash and other corporate gig economy ghouls.

The Risk Transfer

Those crushingly-high risks, inflation, expenses and capital expenditures now rest on the back of the impoverished worker, along with associated rehabilitative care when they get injured on the job, like almost 1-in-5 Amazon delivery drivers in 2021. At least Amazon drivers had OSHA and a job with insurance, unlike your local appslave “independent contractor.”

Insurance Industry Slogan: “America’s Gateway To Healthcare.”

Health benefits are history for independent contractors; mere memories of a time when they felt safe and secure in a manageable daily existence. Gigapp labor is a trap; a bear trap with powerful jagged jaws that do harm to those caught in them. Getting in happens too quickly, and getting out unscathed is unlikely, if the victim gets out at all.

Gig economy externalities are nauseatingly negative; too toxic to tolerate. The flagrant free-riders of this corporate con are doing more damage, more quickly, to more businesses than any criminal scheme in the history of financial predation. Awaken now. It’s too late, but it’s all we have. Appslavery is legal today and it’s as bad as it sounds; cruel, inhumane, a violation of our present moment. How can any civilized society possibly allow this crushing violation of human rights, this deliberate defiling of local merchants and markets, and the hideous hacking of our fragile and waning collective consciousness to continue?

"The Full Dashclosure Audiobook & Podcast" is a free companion audiobook; plus additional commentary and discussion on civil rights, economics, AI & “Full Dashclosure, Awakening from the human exploitation of DoorDash Singularity,” by Jeff Thomas Black.